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MH-1-31multistage pump
PRSTK-150Hpressure tank horizontal w / membrane
UNION-100Fx100M-BRunion thread (mur kopling)
DS-3P-316-0753'' deep-well submersible
MECSL-208x20-35x50x35-CGxGSdouble-sided mechanical seal (submersible pump)
JT-388Pjet pump non-auto 375W
CTPNL-021-1x2Pump Control Panel 2.2kW (1 to 2)
MECSL-109x25-SGmechanical seal (graphite / sic)
CAPTR-20-450-011capacitor (round, 2 wires) 20uF
BEARG-6004-2RZbearing 6004-2RZ
BR-165SCPAbooster pump (silent capacity) 80 W | 110 W | 130 W
MHS-3-67(T)multistage pump (3 phase)
MBN-167C-GDconcealed basin mixer deck w / lever pop-up (gold)
BMT-101L-GMdiatomite bath mat (gold marble)
TBR-192-BNtowel bar double (brushed nickel)
COS-013CRclean out square 3
STY-101-MBdiatomite soap tray (marble)
ROM-500-SILVERTEC-ULP-3012filter cartridge ro membrane 500gpd
SS-C-200clear water pump 200W
MRCABINET-031-60-PMirror Cabinet (Wood Case)
DCR-101-GYdiatomite drink coaster (grey)
MAINTAIN-WF-FRP/UFS-3YRS-JKT x2extended warranty, service & maintenance package (3 Years) x2 untuk paket FRP
BMT-101L-SSdiatomite bath mat (slate stone)
MPV-A-GL4-2Emulti-port valve auto (filter, time) w / top strainer, bottom strainer
maaf... stok sedang kosong :(
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