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CAPTR-02.5-450-021capacitor (square, 2 wires) 2.5uf
MEBRN-200pressure tank membrane 200L
MECSL-208x16-30x38x32-CGxGSdouble-sided mechanical seal (submersible pump)
CABLE-4x1.00-50Msub. deep well pump cable 50m
SJ-100S-Psemi-jet pump 375W
DS-3P-321-1003'' deep-well submersible
CTPNL-021-1x2Pump Control Panel 2.2kW (1 to 2)
JT-508PATjet pump auto w / tank (1.4 - 2.8bar) 500W
VENTR-SJ-109ventury & nozzle (semi-jet, 100W)
PRSTK-003Mpressure tank w / membrane
SP-150swimming pool pump
CBJKT-011cable joint & heat shrink kit
SHS-033CW-S1hand shower set (3 spray)
WDP-111-ROwater dispenser purifier 5-stage RO (75GPD)
TPH-193-OBtoilet paper holder
MBH-021Ebath mixer
PTP-021small push pop-up waste w / p-trap
SS-M-1800A-Gmacerating water pump (GF SEG Grinder, auto) 1.8KW
MHB-5-51multistage booster pump
TBR-081-CWtowel bar single chrome white
PPS-115filter cartridge PPS 10'' (polypropylene spun)
SDH-071soap dish holder (clear glass)
STY-101-PKdiatomite soap tray (pink)
maaf... stok sedang kosong :(
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