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CURVE PERFORMANCE / kurva performa
DS-4S04005C-S1sub. deep well pump w / control box (30m cable) 0.5hp
MECSL-301-12-GCmechanical seal (graphite / carbon)
SH-133PATshallow pump auto w / tank (1.1 - 1.8bar) 125W
MHS-5-69(T)multistage pump (3 phase)
MEBRN-100pressure tank membrane 100L
MECSL-156-15-GCmechanical seal (graphite / carbon)
CTPNL-011-1x1Pump Control Panel 2.2kW (1 to 1)
CKVLV-050-BRcheck valve (tusen klep) 1 / 2
DS-4P16530C-S1sub. deep well pump w / control box (50m cable) 3.0hp
DS-3P-316-075K3'' deep-well submersible
VLOKRING-125Mx100F-SSvlok ring (1.25''M x 1''F)
MHSI-3-67constant pressure multistage inverter pump SUS304
MBN-068Cconcealed basin mixer wall
BMT-101L-SSdiatomite bath mat (slate stone)
DCR-101-MBdiatomite drink coaster (marble)
MBH-071Ebath mixer
UVSET-12GPMUV water sterilizer set 12GPM (40w)
SS-M-1100A-Cmacerating water pump (cutter, auto) 1.1KW
FRU-032Surinal flush straight pipe (w / o inlet spud)
MBN-015Ebasin mixer w / push pop-up
DS-3P-337-2003'' deep-well submersible
CTC-143kitchen tap flexible deck
MSH-261Eshower mixer
SHD-011CW-S1head shower set (chrome + white, 3 spray)
maaf... stok sedang kosong :(
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