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DS-3P11015C-S1sub. deep well pump w / control box (50m cable) 1.5hp
MECSL-208x25-40x47x28-CGxGSdouble-sided mechanical seal (submersible pump)
MECSL-109x20-SGmechanical seal (graphite / sic)
SS-S-500A-Rslurry water pump w / agitator (auto) 500W
CKVLV-100-BRcheck valve (tusen klep) 1
CTPNL-011-1x1Pump Control Panel 2.2kW (1 to 1)
MHSI-3-67constant pressure multistage inverter pump SUS304
SS-M-1500A-G2macerating water pump (FRKLN Grinder, auto) 1.5KW
VLOKRING-038Mx025F-BRvlok ring (3 / 8''M x 1 / 4''F)
SP-050swimming pool pump
BEARG-6303-2RZbearing 6303-2RZ
JT-508Pjet pump non-auto 500W
CBJKT-011cable joint & heat shrink kit
CTB-243kitchen tap flexible deck
FRP-1054-CARBON-PRO-M & FRP-1054-MNGREENSAND-Mfrp water filter & media (manual, greensand plus & karbon professional)
RBS-131-4robe hook single (set of 4)
CBN-033Ebasin tap tall
RBH-081-CWrobe hook chrome white
TRK-042-BKtowel rack w / bar (black)
MKN-038-MBkitchen mixer w / dual output & flexible spout (matte black)
FRU-032Surinal flush straight pipe (w / o inlet spud)
CAPTR-07-450-021capacitor (square, 2 wires) 7uf
CDLF-2-18vertical multistage pump 2.2kw (ss304)
UFS-6000ultrafilter housing & membrane (6000lph)
maaf... stok sedang kosong :(
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