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CDLF-2-22vertical multistage pump 2.2kw (ss304)
MECSL-208x16-30x38x32-CGxGSdouble-sided mechanical seal (submersible pump)
SJ-60S-Psemi-jet pump 200W
SS-W-180Pwaste water pump 180W
DS-3P04005C-S1sub. deep well pump w / control box (30m cable) 0.5hp
CTBOX-DS-12-35-08control box assy 1.1kw 35uF 8a for DS-3P11015(c) | 4P09515(c)
CAPTR-01-450-021capacitor (square, 2 wires) 1uF
PRSTK-300Vpressure tank w / membrane
PRSTK-500Vpressure tank w / membrane
BLV-150-SSBall Float Valve (1-1 / 2”)
CTPNL-021-1x2Pump Control Panel 2.2kW (1 to 2)
Sumur R - Economy Respaket filter sumur ringan economy res manual (1054, WFH-111BL)
SHS-091-MB-S1self-cleaning hand shower set (matte black, 3 Spray)
WBO-112wire basket oval (single m)
ATDDS-111Ash Tray Disinfectant, Deodorizer & Sterilizer
BDH-110braided hose 100cm
MRB-081-CWrain bath mixer ( chrome + white )
SSP-081-CWbath spout (chrome + white)
FRP-1354-SILICA-Afrp water filter & media (auto, silica)
CAPTR-05-450-021capacitor (square, 2 wires) 5uf
COR-012CRclean out round 2
MH-5-51multistage pump
BMT-101L-TBdiatomite bath mat (blue spark terazzo)
maaf... stok sedang kosong :(
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